When my Kuya was telling us to take a bath because we'll be watching a movie, at first I didn't believe him because mostly he is just kidding around but when we noticed that he is more excited than us and keeps on telling us to move fast so that we will be able to catch the showing time. I also taught that we will be watching " Born to love you" but I was happy that we will be watching " The Avengers" that most people are talking about it. I heard good reviews about it, so no wonder why we are so curious to watch it in big screen.
And no doubt and no regrets the movie was AWESOME and AMAZING. I admire the story, the characters and especially their and action scenes on how they save the earth and to fight against the enemies. BRAVO!:)) It was all worth it to end our summer break!
Thanks to Kuya! :) Love Yeah! :))
This is what I wore on that day!
*Sheer top from Softcore
*Shorts from Penshoppe
*Earrings from Debenhams
Shania and me |